May 25, 2009


今天跑完 Utar 就飞到 UH 医院陪他了,大哥自己一个人在医院很闷电视机又没有所以陪他谈天到晚上。发高烧,咳嗽,冒冷汗,呼吸困难的他受了一个多月的苦才愿意去医院检查。报告前几天出来的那时必需留院观察,情况很不乐观他的肺既然穿了洞。看着他每天吃至少十四粒药有大有小,有长方形也有圆形,大大小小都得吞下去,没什么胃口吃东西,脸色苍白,他本人都像排骨了现在剩下人皮包骨。手掉满了管,看都吓死人。

这两年以来大哥走黑运,上一年为了三个月的 Industrial Training 既然被人打枪了无数次。第一个宝贝电话也在他手上偷走了,每次在诊疗所进进出出。才短短的三个月内就发生了很多事,损失不少。

现在毕业四个多月了,回去同一间 Media 公司上班不久就进院了。他啊真是倒霉透了,可是相信一定会雨过天晴。这次他必设受九个月到一年的治疗才会康复。

May 23, 2009




May 21, 2009

Malaysian Fear Factor

To continue live on this earth every creature need to eat and do "Business", it just like a circle. Human take care of cow daily health just to create a healthy fertilizer.
Can you imagine putting cow fertilizer into your mouth, swallow through your throat went down to your stomach.

Do you dare to join this fear factor?

May 17, 2009


Memorable life, secondary school life time is naive. No stress, no financial problem, no transport problem, no house problem. Everything is prepared, but nowadays student don't treasure. That maybe don't have problem to worried of, so create something to worried.

Since few week ago my secondary school main office burn out by some student. The whole office completely destroy, it believe that the fire being put on the weekend night. The researcher of section 19 currently don't have any evident to proof.

For my experience that maybe normal, since the day I enter the school many interesting story happen everyday. example: Put firecracker to each class, Ice fight, lock teacher in the toilet ...
But most of the incident is all about fighting only. NEH actually nothing special, the fight all about to proof how MAN" they are. nut shit! I hope my certificates din burn out because of this incident.

May 11, 2009

不争气的 modem

这几天没看到我吧? hohoho Merry Christmas !!
看到很多人想念 “某某珊”
Send 了很多祝福语,关于我考试的时候或现在真的很谢谢。
没想到“那个消息”传得还真快 ... ... 哈哈
大婶,堂姐,堂妹,堂弟和多多的他他 ... ... 谢谢你们的关心。

我家的第一个 modem 终于宣布退休了,一代接一代,现在轮到他的儿子接位了。可惜他的儿子还不懂事,configure 不到害到我两个星期都不能上网。刚考完试当天,第一个 modem 就坏了。其实第一个 modem 坏是给我炸爆的,幸好我哥哥没出声不然被责怪。现在第二个 modem configure 不到,都不知道怎么办。